Facial Hair Transplant

Facial hair adds definition and character to the face. All types of hair loss can be troubling, especially facial hair loss. If your beard, mustache, goatee, sideburns, or eyebrows are thin or balding, facial hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that can restore your facial hair and lead to hair growth on the recipient sites, or the facial areas where the transplanted hair grafts are placed.

Hair Restoration NYC

NYC Facial Hair Transplant Surgery Specialist Dr. Stafford Broumand, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, offers facial hair transplants with SmartGraft®. This advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) facial hair transplantation method is minimally invasive and offers permanent facial hair growth results and lasting healthy hair.

Beard Transplant NYC

For men, a beard or mustache can be a sign of masculinity and an important element of your overall image. Patchy facial hair can be a frustrating problem and it is often difficult to find an effective solution. If you have always wanted a fuller, thicker, more defined beard, or if your beard has started to thin as a result of aging, Dr. Broumand and his team can help. A beard transplant procedure at our Manhattan practice can be customized to meet your needs and help you achieve the beard style that you want.

Eyebrow Transplant NYC

Many women realize that full, well-shaped eyebrows can improve their overall appearance by enhancing the eyes and adding definition to the face. If your eyebrows are naturally thin, or have become sparse due to aging, illness, or previous hair removal, a facial hair transplant for eyebrows can restore full, lush brows. An eyebrow transplant procedure can save you time and frustration by providing a permanent solution that will not fade or smear like many temporary cosmetic options.

Benefits of Facial Hair Transplant

  • Minimally Invasive
  • Quick Recovery
  • Permanent Results
  • Personalized to your goals
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Treat beard, mustache, sideburns, or eyebrows
  • Can restore facial hair lost due to injury, aging, or certain medical conditions

How Does Facial Hair Transplant Work?

Dr. Broumand’s Manhattan Practice, 740 Park Plastic Surgery, is a SmartGraft Center of Excellence. We are thrilled to offer this highly advanced approach to facial hair transplantation, which uses your own hair to strategically replace missing facial hair for natural-looking results.

Preparing for Facial Hair Transplant

The first step is a consultation appointment with Dr. Broumand to determine if a facial hair transplant is right for you. During this consultation, Dr. Broumand will examine the area to be treated, as well as potential donor areas such as the back of your scalp, and discuss your goals and answer any questions you have. It can be helpful to bring pictures that represent your aesthetic goals. Once your procedure is scheduled, Dr. Broumand will give you detailed pre-operative instructions.

What to Expect During Your Procedure

You will be given a sedative to help you relax and the areas to be treated will be numbed with a local anesthetic. The procedure can take several hours, depending on your treatment plan. Dr. Broumand will begin by collecting individual hairs, or donor hairs from the back of the head with a SmartGraft device. The harvested hairs will be stored in a specialized collection unit while Dr. Broumand completes the collection process. Then he will open the hair follicles of the area to be treated before beginning the delicate process of transplantation. Dr. Broumand will take great care to expertly place each transplanted hair in order to give you ideal results.

Facial Hair Transplant Recovery

You may experience some tenderness or mild discomfort after your procedure, which can be managed with medication. You should refrain from washing your face and from exercise or strenuous activity for 2 days after your procedure.

Facial Hair Transplant Results

You may see immediate results, but it is normal for the initial transplanted hairs to fall out in preparation for regrowth. The new hair will then grow gradually over the next few months, with final results at about one year after your procedure. Patients typically enjoy thicker, fuller facial hair and permanent results.

Contact Dr. Stafford Broumand for Facial Hair Transplant in NYC

If you’d like to discuss facial hair transplantation with a leading hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Stafford Broumand and the team at 740 Park Plastic Surgery are committed to helping you look and feel your best. If you are bothered by patchy facial hair, contact us today to learn more about follicular unit transplantation.

Contact Dr. Broumand

Frequently Asked Questions About Facial Hair and Beard Transplant Procedures

Who gets facial hair transplant procedures?

Facial hair transplant patients are very diverse, spanning all ages, ethnicities, styles, and careers. Women may also get facial hair transplants to restore sparse eyebrows.

Am I a good candidate for a facial hair transplant procedure?

If you would like to revive, restore, or rejuvenate your facial hair, a SmartGraft procedure could be the solution for you. Patients must have adequate donor hair, which is typically taken from the back of the scalp. The best way to determine if facial hair transplantation is right for you is to schedule a consultation appointment.

Will I have scars from a facial hair transplant procedure?

An advantage of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique that we use is that it leaves virtually no scars. Any scarring is so tiny or easily concealed that it is typically undetectable.

How much does facial hair transplant cost?

Facial hair transplant is a highly customized procedure. We tailor your treatment plan to meet your unique needs and goals, and the price varies accordingly. You can get an estimate for your treatment plan at your consultation appointment.

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Dr. Stafford Broumand has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.