FaceTite®, AccuTite®, and BodyTite®

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Dr. Broumand and his team at 740 Park Plastic Surgery are proud to offer patients in NYC the latest advancements from InMode: BodyTite for comprehensive fat reduction and skin firming; AccuTite for precise skin refinement and body sculpting; and FaceTite for facial and neck enhancement. Experience the transformative effects of these minimally invasive procedures, offering the impact of surgery without the extended recovery.

What Are FaceTite, BodyTite, & AccuTite?

FaceTite, AccuTite, and BodyTite are all part of the radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) family of treatments from InMode that target various areas of the body and face. These minimally invasive procedures have minimal downtime and utilize RFAL, also known as soft tissue coagulation, to simultaneously melt away fat and tighten loose skin. The core mechanism behind these treatments is essentially the same, but they are designed for different treatment areas based on size and location. Here’s a breakdown of their distinctions:


FaceTite harnesses the transformative power of radiofrequency technology to rejuvenate facial contours. By channeling radiofrequency waves to specified areas of the face, collagen production is invigorated, resulting in a tightened and more youthful skin texture.1 This method offers facial rejuvenation reminiscent of a traditional facelift, earning it the moniker of a “non-surgical facelift.”

Treatment Areas: FaceTite is primarily designed for facial contouring, focusing on the lower face. This includes areas such as the jowls, jawline, chin, and neck.


AccuTite operates on the same principles as FaceTite, yet stands out due to its compact design, making it perfect for honing in on more intricate regions of the face, neck, and body.

Treatment Areas: AccuTite is the smallest device in the RFAL lineup, making it perfect for precision treatment in smaller and more delicate areas. Common treatment locations include facial areas like brows, around the eyes, nasolabial folds, and even some smaller body parts like hands, knees, or the underarm area.

The FaceTite & AccuTite Procedures

For FaceTite and AccuTite procedures at 740 Park Plastic Surgery, the initial step involves Dr. Broumand administering a local anesthetic for a painless experience. Subsequently, a modest incision is made on the target area using a medium-sized needle. A fine probe is then carefully introduced subdermally, navigating through the layer where collagen and fat are located. As radiofrequency energy courses from the handheld device, it warms the skin’s fat and soft tissue in a controlled manner. The heat produced from this action catalyzes collagen production and prompts the breakdown of fat cells, culminating in a firmer and rejuvenated aesthetic. Dr. Broumand conducts this entire procedure within the serene ambiance of our New York City medical office, typically wrapping up in a span of one to two hours.

FaceTite & AccuTite Recovery

Recovery from FaceTite and AccuTite procedures is generally swift and straightforward. Patients often experience mild swelling and some bruising, which diminishes notably within a short span. Many individuals find themselves resuming their professional commitments merely days post-treatment. To aid in the reduction of swelling, it’s advised to adorn a headwrap for the initial few days post-procedure, transitioning to nighttime use for an ensuing 1-2 weeks. Dr. Broumand may prescribe specific medications to enhance your recovery process. Overall, patients find the recovery period to be comfortable with minimal adjustments to their daily routine.


BodyTite also employs advanced RFAL technology, harnessing the power of RF waves to both dissolve fat and enhance skin elasticity. This energy refines and redefines the contours of the body, providing patients with a sculpted look with more taut skin. While BodyTite can stand alone, it’s often combined with liposuction for those with notable fat deposits or pronounced sagging. However, for individuals with minimal skin laxity or slight excess fat seeking only tissue firmness, a standalone BodyTite might suffice.

Treatment Areas: As the name suggests, BodyTite is intended for body contouring in larger areas. This includes regions like the abdomen, thighs, arms, and flanks.

The BodyTite Procedure

During the BodyTite procedure, radio-frequency waves target and liquefy the excess fat.2 This liquefaction is essential as it allows for the fat’s removal through suction, mirroring the principles of traditional laser liposuction. Once the fat is liquefied, it is channeled through a slender tube within the liposuction cannula, facilitating its extraction from the body. Concurrently, the radio-frequency energy invigorates the skin, promoting tightening and sculpting for a refined silhouette with enhanced smoothness.

Liposuction is executed via minuscule incisions, designed to reduce scarring and hasten the recovery phase compared to other aesthetic procedures. Post-procedure, you’ll be advised to don a compression garment to maintain cleanliness at the incision sites and to mitigate swelling in the treated region. Dr. Broumand will provide precise post-operative guidelines, and it’s paramount to adhere to his recommendations for optimal results.

BodyTite Recovery

Following a BodyTite procedure with Dr. Broumand, it’s not unusual for patients to experience mild redness and swelling. These symptoms tend to diminish naturally over a short period. Initial enhancements are often noticeable right away, with the culminating effects emerging between 6 to 12 weeks. The majority of individuals report feeling back to their normal selves within a few days and are ready to resume high-intensity activities, including workouts, in about 2 to 3 weeks.

Schedule A Consultation For RF Treatments

Discover FaceTite, AccuTite, and BodyTite at NYC’s prestigious 740 Park Plastic Surgery. Contact us today to schedule your personal consultation at our convenient and luxurious Manhattan practice.

FAQs About FaceTite, AccuTite, & BodyTite

What are FaceTite, AccuTite, and BodyTite?

These are minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that utilize RF energy to tighten the skin and reduce fat without traditional surgery.

Who is an ideal candidate for these treatments?

Individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity or those who desire skin tightening and fat reduction without undergoing a full surgical procedure.3

Are the results permanent?

While the treated fat cells are permanently removed, it’s essential to maintain a stable weight to preserve the results. Skin tightening effects are long-lasting, but natural aging continues.

Are the procedures painful?

Procedures are generally performed under local anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort. Some mild discomfort may be felt after the anesthesia wears off, but this can be managed with prescribed pain relievers.

What is the recovery time?

Recovery time varies depending on the procedure and individual. Generally, patients can return to regular activities within a few days, but it’s recommended to avoid strenuous activities for 2-3 weeks.

Are there any side effects?

Common side effects include swelling, bruising, and redness in the treated area, which usually subside within a few days to weeks.4

Can I combine these treatments with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, many patients choose to combine these treatments with other procedures like liposuction, microneedling, or injectables such as dermal fillers for enhanced results.

How many sessions will I need?

Typically, significant results can be seen after just one session. However, the specific number of treatments needed will depend on individual goals and the areas being treated.

Are these treatments FDA-approved?

Yes, FaceTite, AccuTite, and BodyTite are all FDA-approved for skin tightening and fat reduction.

1 PRS Global Open. Multimodal Radiofrequency Application for Lower Face and Neck Laxity. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7489644/. Accessed August 27, 2023.

2 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal. Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction device for body contouring: 97 patients under local anesthesia. Available: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22466060/. Accessed August 27, 2023.

3 Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. InMode Evoke radiofrequency hands-free facial remodeling for skin rejuvenation. Available: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jocd.15269. Accessed August 27, 2023.

4 Annals of Plastic Surgery. A Systematic Review of Subsurface Radiofrequency Treatments in Plastic Surgery. Available: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9415206/. Accessed August 27, 2023.

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Dr. Stafford Broumand has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.