SmartGraft® Hair Transplant

Increase confidence and regain a youthful appearance when you restore balding areas with an effective and natural-looking hair transplantation procedure. SmartGraft is a revolutionary hair transplant method that utilizes Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), also referred to as Follicular Unit Excision or Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT). FUE is a surgical procedure to harvest individual follicular units from the back of the head for minimally invasive and permanent hair restoration.

Why Choose 740 Park Plastic Surgery for Follicular Unit Transplantation?

Hair loss can be caused by a number of factors, including aging, hormonal changes, and genetic predisposition. NYC Hair Restoration Surgery Specialist Dr. Stafford Broumand is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon offering advanced hair transplant surgeries like the FUE procedure in Manhattan. Dr. Broumand understands the stress and frustration caused by hair loss and he creates personalized treatment plans to help patients achieve fuller, thicker hair for a youthful, healthy-looking appearance.

Benefits of Hair Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant with SmartGraft

  • Results That Look Natural: SmartGraft uses your own hair to fill in areas that are balding or thinning to achieve results that are more natural-looking than traditional hair plugs.
  • Eliminates Visible Scarring: Some other hair transplantation methods that rely on dissection through strip harvesting result in large linear scars, but SmartGraft micrografting techniques eliminate visible scarring.
  • Modern Technology: The advanced SmartGraft process is minimally invasive with a single in-office procedure, no need for anesthesia, and easy recovery.
  • Enjoy Restored Confidence: You can feel like your best self again with effective and permanent hair restoration.
  • Hair Restoration Options: SmartGraft can treat a variety of conditions that cause hair loss for men and women, and can also be used to restore facial hair.

Preparing for Your SmartGraft FUE Hair Transplant

The most important step toward fuller hair is a consultation appointment for hair restoration at our NYC office. During your consultation, Dr. Broumand will discuss your hair goals, examine your scalp, and answer any questions you have about the SmartGraft hair transplant procedure. If you are a candidate for a hair transplant, Dr. Broumand will create a treatment plan for you and give you pre-surgical instructions before your procedure appointment.

While older hair transplant techniques required a buzz cut prior to treatment, you will not need to do that before SmartGraft. You can plan to bring small earbuds and a tablet with you to stay entertained during your procedure. You should plan to have a friend or family member ready to drive you home.

What to Expect During Your SmartGraft Hair Transplant Procedure

Your SmartGraft hair transplant including the number of grafts needed to achieve your goals will be customized to meet your needs. Typically the procedure will take several hours and is performed at our Manhattan office. You will receive a mild sedative medication to help you feel relaxed before treatment and your scalp will be numbed with local anesthesia.

Once you are ready, Dr. Broumand will use the specialized SmartGraft device to collect the follicular unit grafts from the donor area of your scalp. These hairs will be stored in temperature-controlled, sterile storage until the harvesting portion of treatment is complete. The hair follicles of the recipient site will then be opened for implantation. Dr. Broumand’s approach to hair transplantation combines his extensive surgical skill and experience with his innate sense of artistry to ensure that your hair transplant delivers the natural-looking results you want.

Hair Restoration Process

SmartGraft Hair Transplant Recovery

SmartGraft hair restoration is minimally invasive, which results in a shorter recovery time than older hair transplant techniques. You will need to wait 48 hours after your procedure to get the donor site wet or wash your hair. Patients generally need 2 days of downtime and usually resume work and other activities within the week.

SmartGraft Hair Transplant Results

The goal of the SmartGraft hair transplant procedure is to restore a youthful appearance with full, thick, healthy-looking hair. While results are permanent, they become apparent gradually, with new hair growth appearing approximately three months after treatment. At roughly six months, patients see significant growth with full results visible about one year after your procedure. From that point on, your transplanted hair will grow naturally and be indistinguishable from non-transplanted hair.

Am I a Candidate for SmartGraft Hair Transplant?

A SmartGraft hair transplant procedure is an option for men and women who are bothered by a variety of hair loss conditions. If you would like natural-looking restoration to treat a receding hairline, alopecia, or thinning hair, then contact us for a consultation appointment to learn if SmartGraft is right for you.

Contact Dr. Stafford Broumand for SmartGraft Hair Transplant in NYC

Hair transplant surgeon Dr. Stafford Broumand and his team at 740 Park Plastic Surgery are dedicated to offering the most effective and minimally invasive solutions to rejuvenate and restore a youthful appearance. Contact us today with any questions or to schedule your hair restoration consultation at our Manhattan office.

Contact Dr. Broumand

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Transplant Procedures

Will my hair transplant procedure hurt?

Your safety and comfort are a top priority. We will use a local anesthetic and offer you a sedative medication to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

Can women have a hair transplant procedure?

Yes! Hair loss does not affect only men. Many women experience hair loss due to autoimmune conditions or hormonal changes and SmartGraft can also restore hair for female patients.

What makes SmartGraft different from other hair transplant methods?

SmartGraft is different because it uses FUE (follicular unit extraction), a highly advanced method that is less invasive than older hair transplant techniques. This process transplants individual hair follicles in a micrograft technique for natural-looking hair restoration and doesn’t require hairstyles to cover scarring.

Can I get a hair transplant if I am completely bald?

SmartGraft uses your own hair, as opposed to donor hair that would likely be rejected by your body. Most people with hair loss or thinning hair have areas with more thickness that are used for harvesting of hair. SmartGraft can sometimes use hair harvested from the chest, back, or face, but hair transplantation may not be right for you if you do not have adequate donor hair.

How much does a SmartGraft hair transplant cost?

SmartGraft is a highly customized procedure because each patient has a different type of hair loss and their own individual goals. The best way to learn how much your hair transplant could cost is to schedule a consultation appointment.

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Dr. Stafford Broumand has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.