Upneeq (Droopy Eyelids Treatment)
Your eyes are how you see the world and they’re the first thing people see when they look at you. Acquired blepharoptosis, also referred to as acquired ptosis or low-lying upper eyelids, is a common condition that can affect your vision and your appearance. Approximately 11% of adults have this condition which is a natural part of aging and is usually caused by the eyelid muscles weakening and stretching over time1. If you have concerns with eyes that look fatigued or heavy, you may be a good candidate for Upneeq.
Upneeq Droopy Eyelid Treatment in NYC
Heralded as doing for the eyes what Latisse did for the lashes, Upneeq is the only prescription daily eye drop that is FDA-approved for acquired ptosis and can lift the upper eyelids and open your eyes. Upneeq eye drops work due to a formulation that includes oxymetazoline hydrochloride, the vasoconstrictor which causes one of two muscles that open the eyelid—the Müller’s muscle—to contract. Upneeq is a non-invasive treatment that starts working in just minutes.
Benefits of Upneeq
Moderate to severe acquired ptosis can affect both your self-esteem and the functional ability of your eyes. Some of the benefits of Upneeq include:
- Improved appearance of the eyes
- Enhanced eyesight and field of vision
- Reduced interference with daily activities like reading, driving, and computer use
- Improved confidence
- Non-invasive treatment
- Can be used with contact lenses and other ophthalmic topical drops
Upneeq Before & After Photos

Contact Dr. Stafford Broumand for Upneeq in NYC
The clinical team at 740 Park Plastic Surgery led by Dr. Stafford Broumand is passionate about providing the most advanced and efficacious aesthetic treatments. Please contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment where you’ll receive a custom treatment plan designed to reach your goals.
FAQs About Upneeq
Where can I buy Upneeq?
You can be prescribed Upneeq from aesthetic medical practices like 740 Park Plastic Surgery as well as other eye care professionals.
How long does Upneeq last?
Upneeq can visibly lift a drooping eyelid in as little as 5-15 minutes and lasts for up to 6 hours.
How many times per day can I use Upneeq?
As with any medication, Upneeq should be used only as prescribed with one dose, once daily.
Can I use Upneeq if I wear contact lenses?
Yes, however, contact lenses should be removed before using Upneeq eye drops and can be put back in 15 minutes after.
Can I use Upneeq if I use other topical eye drops?
Yes, you can use Upneeq with other topical eye drops but it’s important to administer them at least 15 minutes apart.
Does Upneeq have any risks or side effects?
While rare, Upneeq does have some side effects including eye irritation, dry eye, eye redness, blurred vision, pain at installation site, headache, and punctate keratitis.
Who should not use Upneeq?
Upneeq may affect blood pressure and/or eye pressure for some individuals with preexisting conditions. It’s important to let your provider know if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, untreated glaucoma, or immune disorders that cause dryness in the eyes or mouth as you may not be a candidate for Upneeq.
Dr. Stafford Broumand has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.